It was a day after the whole family got back from kampung at Johor, that i got the chance to surf the internet. The whole night it was good, the whole family was at family area, sitting and enjoying CSI Supreme on Sunday night. It was rare for us to get the chance to spend such a quality time together. The last time was on 1 Muharram, when all 5 of us joined doa awal and akhir tahun at Masjid Negara, until isya'. I felf really happy that night :)
And last night right after the CSI supreme of CSI Miami, CSI Ctrime Scene followed by CSI New York, i landed in my room, surfing internet that i missed quite a while when at kampung. I was happy to see my lovely sister Zeynab was online. Quite a while since the last time we chat together. We talked through some brilliant thought, sharing few problems, and some updates on us. I am truely happy that Allah gave us time to meet.
After logging out and ending the conversation, I went directly to sleep. It was a dream that made me feel wanting to stay,not waking up. Quite awkward but feels like its a reality.
When I think of it. I am not sure what to say, but Allah knows everything he gave in my life. Every single thing I believed the must be hikmah. But my heart arent hoping. Specifically, -is afraid of hoping. But what i know is that, i must keep on praying for thing i believed in. InshaAllah Allah will protect me along the way.
I am writting this on 21Disember2009,06:13pm. I've caught fever, due to food poisonning(most probably from few events at kampung) or maybe, just the dream. Its hot, and cold, sometimes freezing. Allah knows how I feel until now, which I myself isnt sure of. Nobody, nobody except Allah the AlMighthy knows it all. Sholawat dedicated to Muhammad SAW the prophet of Allah.
so sweeeett my dear~~~me oso want dat dream...but what can i do...lets hope so that will lasts long :) and also pray for the best...hehee~
salamualeykum wr wb..
inshaAllah soon he will ask u to stay with him..keep on praying sayang.
with duas,
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